Woody Plants of the Main Campus
in Athens, Ohio (Excluding the Ridges)
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This page was last revised on November 20, 2017.
This is as yet only a preliminary list. Many species and locations need to be added. The area
covered is the main campus of Ohio University, in the area south of Mill Street, north and west of
the Hocking River, and east of Shafer Street.
- Gingko biloba--gingko
- The largest gingko in Ohio is adjacent to Richland Avenue by the Hocking River. It was
severely pruned several years ago to rejuvenate it. There are a few others scattered around.
- Pinus strobus--white pine
- Various places around campus
- Larix decidua--European larch
- One on the southwest corner of the quadrangle
- Tsuga canadensis--eastern hemlock
- Various places around campus
- Picea glauca--Colorado blue spruce
- Various places around campus
- Picea abies--Norway spruce
- Various places around campus
- Taxus cuspidata--Japanese yew
- Various places around campus
- Juniperus horizontalis--rug junipers
- Various places around campus
- Juniperus chinensis--rug junipers
- Various places around campus
- Juniperus conferta--shore junipers
- Various places around campus
- Juniperus communis--Pfitzer junipers
- Various places around campus
- Magnolia stellata: star magnolia
- Magnolia virginiana: sweetbay
- Several good specimens on the north side of the Alden Library
- Betula nigra--river birch
- Juglans nigra--black walnut
- Various places around the campus, one on the quadrangle
- Carya cordiformis--bitternut hickory
- One in the south area of the quadrangle, several more around campus
- Fagus sylvatica--European beech
- Two on the north side of the quadrangle
- Fagus grandifolia--American beech
- Two on the quadrangle
- Quercus alba--white oak
- One is located on the southwest corner of the quadrangle
- Quercus coccinea--scarlet oak
- One off Richland Avenue near the visitor's center
- Quercus macrocarpa--bur
- One is located on the west side of the quadrangle, behind Chubb Hall
- Quercus imbricaria--shingle oak
- Two are located on the west side of University Terrace north of Park Place
- Quercus palustris--pin oak
- Many are scattered over the campus, including one row along Union St
- Quercus phellos--willow oak
- One is in front of Galbraith Chapel
- Quercus robur--English oak
- One is on the south side of the quadrangle, and others are located along Shafer Street and
around Irvine Hall
- Quercus rubra--northern red oak
- Various places around campus, plus a row along Union St
- Quercus shumardii--Shumard oak
- One within the quadrangle
- Acer palmatum--Japanese maple
- Several around campus
- Acer buergerianum--trident maple
- One on Union St. near University Terrace
- Acer campestre--hedge maple
- Two on University Terrace, near McKee House
- Acer griseum--Amur maple
- Several on University Terrace and elsewhere on campus
- Acer negundo--box elder
- Various places around campus
- Acer rubra--red maple
- Various places around campus
- Acer saccharum--sugar maple
(including black
- Various places around campus including several on the quadrangle
- Acer saccharinum--silver maple or water maple
- Various places around campus
- Prunus--cherries and plums
- Various places around campus
- Crataegus--hawthorn
- Various places around campus
- Malus--crabapple
- Various places around campus
- Rosa--rose
- Various places around campus
- Amelanchier arborea--serviceberry
- Several around campus, including at the south stairway door to Porter Hall
- Pyrus calleriana--callery pears (including Bradford pear)
- Various places around campus
- Cercis canadensis--redbud
- Various places around campus, mostly in wild borders
- Gleditsia triacanthos--honeylocust
- Various places around campus
- Cladrastis lutea--yellowwood
- One on the east side of the quadrangle
- Halesia tetraptera (carolina)--Carolina Silverbells
- One large one at the south end of Chubb Hall, several others around campus
- Fraxinus americana--white ash
- Several large ones on the quadrangle; also various places around campus
- Euonymus alata--burning bush
- Various places around campus
- Euonymus fortunei--wintercreeper
- Various places around campus
- Vinca minor--periwinkle
- Various places around campus
- Ilex opaca--American holly
- Various places around campus, including the quadrangle
- Cornus florida--flowering dogwood
- Various places around campus, including the quadrangle
- Rhododendron--various species, including azaleas
- Various places around campus
- Buxus--boxwood
- Various places around campus
- Viburnum dentatum--arrowwood
- Various places around campus, including on the north side of Alden Library
- Platanus
- Various places around campus
- Hedera helix--English ivy
- Various places around campus
- Parthenocissus quinquefolia--Virginia creeper
- Parthenocissus tricuspidata--Boston ivy
- Nyssa sylvatica--blackgum or tupelo
- One on the west side of Scripps Hall
- Liquidambar styraciflua--sweetgum
- Various places around campus, including several on the quadrangle
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