Knouse's Fiction Page

General Fiction

Look for something here in the future.

Science Fiction

Welcome to my science fiction page--or perhaps I should say that this is my fantasy, writing science fiction. I post stories every now and again. Understand that I do not post a story unless it's already been rejected by all the major science fiction magazines, so you might consider these to all be rejects. These are only a fraction of what I've written. Since none of my stories have ever been accepted for publication, I guess that, so far, they're ALL rejects. Hah!

I can tell you that, whatever the quality of my writing, a potent reason that my stories are not likely to be considered is that of the space opera question. Classic science fiction is mostly space opera, which is a term for action-oriented science fiction, and that's pretty much what I write. Today, most editors are inclined towards the story that paints a vignette or is focused on exploring the inner workings of its characters. That's just not my style.

I've started adding .pdf files for those who want to download to read later. I've done so for the novelettes and stories (but not short-short) stories listed.

This page was last revised on October 31, 2020.


Past Stories:


Short stories:

