State-Listed Pteridophytes in Maine

These are the lycophytes, ferns and fern allies that are officially listed as rare by the State of Maine. The information is taken from the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry's Maine Rare Plant List and Rare Plant Fact Sheets.


Critically imperiled in Maine because of extreme rarity (five or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals or acres) or because some aspect of its biology makes it especially vulnerable to extirpation from the State of Maine.
Imperiled in Maine because of rarity (6-20 occurrences or few remaining individuals or acres) or because of other factors making it vulnerable to further decline.
Rare in Maine (20-100 occurrences).
Apparently secure in Maine.
Demonstrably secure in Maine.
Known historically from the state, not verified in the past 20 years.
Apparently extirpated from the state, loss of last known occurrence has been documented.
Under consideration for assigning rarity status; more information needed on threats or distribution.
Current occurrence data suggests assigned rank, but lack of survey effort along with amount of potential habitat create uncertainty (e.g. S3?).

Global Rank

Critically imperiled globally because of extreme rarity (five or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals or acres) or because some aspect of its biology makes it especially vulnerable to extinction.
Globally imperiled because of rarity (6-20 occurrences or few remaining individuals or acres) or because of other factors making it vulnerable to further decline.
Globally rare (20-100 occurrences).
Apparently secure globally.
Demonstrably secure globally.
Not yet ranked.

State Status

E: Endangered
Rare and in danger of being lost from the state in the foreseeable future; or federally listed as Endangered.M.dd<
T: Threatened
Rare and, with further decline, could become endangered; or federally listed as Threatened.
SC: Special Concern
Rare in Maine, based on available information, but not sufficiently rare to be considered Threatened or Endangered.
PE: Potentially extirpated
Species has not been documented in Maine in past 20 years or loss of last known occurrence has been documented.

Other Notations

*Probably no longer present in state

True Ferns

Adiantum aleuticumAleutian maidenhair fernS1G5?E
Asplenium platyneuronebony spleenwortS2G5SC
Asplenium rhizophyllum*walking fernSXG5PE
Asplenium trichomanes-ramosumgreen spleenwortS1G4E
Cryptogramma stellerislender cliffbrakeS1G5T
Dryopteris filix-masmale fernS1G5E
Dryopteris fragransfragrant cliff wood-fernS3G5SC
Dryopteris goldianaGoldie's wood-fernS2G4SC
Phegopteris hexagonopterabroad beech fernS2G5SC
Woodsia alpinanorthern woodsiaS1G4T
Woodsia glabellasmooth woodsiaS1G5T
Woodsia obtusablunt-lobed woodsiaS1G5T
Woodwardia areolata*netted chain-fernSHG5PE

Fern Allies

Ophioglossum pusillumnorthern adder's tongueS1G5SC
Botrychium lunariamoonwortS1G5E
Botrychium oneidenseblunt-lobed grape fernSUG4QSC
Botrychium pallidumpale moonwortS1G3SC


Isoetes acadiensisAcadian quillwortS2G3QSC
Isoetes prototypusprototype quillwortS1G2G3T
Isoetes riparia*shore quillwortSHG5?PE
Selaginella apodacreeping spike-mossS2G5E
Selaginella selaginoideslow spike-mossS1G5T
Huperzia appalachianamountain firmossS2G4G5SC
Huperzia selagoalpine clubmossS2G5T
Diphasiastrum sitchenseAlaskan clubmossS1G5T
Lycopodiella alopecuroidesfoxtail bog clubmossS1G5E