Hybrids of North
American Dryopteris Species
Species are listed in the left-hand column by letters, which also appear in the column headings. The column headed by an asterisk
denotes those species which have hybrid origins, and gives the number of that hybrid. In the table, hybrids which have given
rise to known species are in bold.
Species |
Author |
* |
a. |
b. |
c. |
d. |
e |
f. |
g. |
h. |
i |
j. |
k. |
l. |
m. |
a. Dryopteris campyloptera |
(Kunze 1848) Clarkson 1930 |
15 |
b. Dryopteris carthusiana |
(Vill.) H. P. Fuchs |
23 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Dryopteris celsa |
(W. Palmer 1899) Knowlton |
20 |
6 |
7 |
d. Dryopteris clintoniana |
(D.C. Eaton 1867) Dowell 1906 |
22 |
1 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
e. Dryopteris cristata |
Gray 1848 |
24 |
2 |
6 |
8 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
f. Dryopteris expansa |
(C. Presl) Fraser-Jenkins & Jermy |
15 |
g. Dryopteris filix-mas |
(L. 1753) Schott 1834 |
16 |
17 |
h. Dryopteris fragrans |
(L. 1753) Schott 1834 |
18 |
i. Dryopteris goldiana |
(Hooker 1822) Gray 1848 |
3 |
9 |
12 |
16 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
j. Dryopteris intermedia |
(Willdenow ex Muhlenberg 1810) Gray 1848 |
4 |
7 |
10 |
13 |
15 |
18 |
19 |
22 |
23 |
k. Dryopteris ludoviciana |
20 |
24 |
l. Dryopteris marginalis |
(L. 1753) Gray 1848 |
5 |
11 |
14 |
17 |
21 |
22 |
m. D. unknown diploid |
23 |
24 |
List of hybrids (where a species has arisen from a hybrid, the species name is listed as the hybrid name):
1. D. Xbenedictii (Farwell 1923) Wherry 1961 (D. carthusiana X D. clintoniana Benedict 1909)
2. D. Xuliginosa (A. Braun 1843) Druce 1909 (D. carthusiana X D. cristata Christensen 1905)
3. D. Xpoyseri Wherry 1960 (D. carthusiana X D. goldiana Benedict 1909)
4. D. Xtriploidea Wherry 1960 (D. carthusiana X D. intermedia Wherry 1960)
5. D. Xpittsfordensis Slosson 1904 (D. carthusiana X D. marginalis Slosson 1904)
6. D. Xatropalustris Small 1938 (D. celsa X D. cristata Wherry 1961)
7. D. Xseparabilis Small 1938 (D. celsa X D. intermedia Wherry 1961)
8. Unnamed (D. clintoniana X D. cristata Wherry 1961)
9. Unnamed (D. clintoniana X D. goldiana Dowell 1908)
10. D. Xdowellii (Farwell 1923) Wherry 1961 (D. clintoniana X D. intermedia Dowell 1908)
11. Unnamed (D. clintoniana X D. marginalis Slosson 1910)
12. D. clintoniana (D. cristata X D. goldiana Benedict 1909)
13. D. Xboottii (Tuckerman 1843) Underwood 1893 (D. cristata X D. intermedia Dowell 1908)
14. D. Xslossonae (Hahne 1904) Wherry 1942 (D. cristata X D. marginalis Davenport 1894)
15. D. campyloptera (D. expansa X D. intermedia)
16. Unnamed (D. filix-mas X D. goldiana Rugg 1950; only one report known)
17. Unnamed (D. filix-mas X D. marginalis Winslow 1910)
18. Unnamed (D. fragrans X D. intermdia Tryon 1942; only one report known)
19. Unnamed (D. goldiana X D. intermedia Dowell, 1908)
20. D. celsa (D. goldiana X D. ludoviciana)
21. D. Xneowherryi (D. goldiana X D. marginalis Dowell 1908; aka D. Xleedsii Wherry 1942)
22. Unnamed (D. intermedia X D. marginalis Benedict 1909)
23. D. carthusiana (D. intermedia X D. unknown diploid)
24. D. cristata (D. ludoviciana X D. unknown diploid)