Ferns and Fern Allies of Athens County, Ohio
This page was last revised on November 21, 2017.
Athens County, Ohio, located in southeastern Ohio, touching the Ohio River, is located in the Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau section of Ohio. The geology principally features exposures
of sandstones, shales and coal, with occasional limestone. Sandstone outcrops may reach about five meters in height, usually less. The local sandstones, however, are usually not extremely
hard or acid and so do not well support some of the more particular petrophilic pteridophyte
flora such as the mountain spleenwort, Asplenium montanum, although many other ferns do
grow well on them. Three pteridophytes are particularly abundant in Athens County:
field horsetail, Equisetum arvense; sensitive fern, Onoclea sensibilis, and Christmas fern, Polystichum acrostichoides.
Many of the area's pteridophytes do grow on rocks, so rocks are always a great place to look.
Plants that almost always grow on rocks:
- Huperzia porophila: rock clubmoss
- Asplenium rhizophyllum: walking fern
- Asplenium pinnatifidum: pinnatifid spleenwort
- Asplenium trichomanes: maidenhair spleenwort
- Cystopteris tenuis: fragile fern
- Polypodium appalachianum: Appalachian rock-cap fern
- Polypodium virginianum: rock-cap fern
Plants that usually grow on rocks:
- Dryopteris intermedia: intermediate wood fern
- Dryopteris marginalis: evergreen wood fern
- Woodsia obtusa: blunt-lobe cliff fern
Plants that often grow on rocks:
- Huperzia lucidula: shining firmoss
- Asplenium platyneuron: ebony spleenwort
- Osmunda claytoniana: interrupted fern
- Polystichum acrostichoides: christmas fern
Plants that sometimes grow on rocks
- Adiantum pedatum: maidenhair fern
- Dennstaedtia punctilobula: hayscented fern
- Deparia thelypterioides: silvery glade fern
There are also ferns that grow normally or exclusively on limestone rocks in our climatic
zone, but these are mostly absent from our area due to the lack of suitable limestone outcrops.
These include:
- Pellaea atropurpurea: purple-stem cliffbrake
- Pellaea glabella: smooth cliffbrake
- Asplenium ruta-muraria: wall-rue
- Cystopteris bulbifera: bulblet fern
In addition, Asplenium trichomanes normally grows on limestone, and Asplenium
rhizophyllum is most often to be found on limestone.
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Lycopodiophyta
Class: Lycopodiopsida: the clubmosses, spikemosses and quillworts
Order: Lycopodiales: the clubmosses
Family: Lycopodiaceae: the clubmosses
- Genus: Diphasiastrum
- Diphasiastrum digitatum (aka Lycopodium flabelliforme): ground-cedar or
- Common, often forming large colonies, favoring disturbed land, scrub and young
- Diphasiastrum tristachyum
- Has supposedly been collected from the county, but no sites known
- Genus: Dendrolycopodium
- Dendrolycopodium obscurum: ground-pine
- Rare; I only know of it from two areas, one in Bern Township, and at Strouds Run State
Park, where I've found three colonies.
- Dendroycopodium dendroides: ground-pine
- Frequent in the westernmost fringe of the county, as in Zaleski State Forest
- Dendrolycopodium hickeyii: ground-pine
- Has supposedly been collected from the county, but no sites known
Family: Huperziaceae: the firmosses
- Genus: Huperzia (aka Urostachys)
- Huperzia lucidula (aka Lycopodium lucidulum or Urostachys lucidula): shining
- Occasional; to be found on acid, north-facing rock and moist, acid, sheltered slopes near
streams; several good colonies at Strouds Run
Order: Selaginellales: the spikemosses
Family: Selaginellaceae: the spikemosses
- Genus: Selaginella
- Selaginella apoda (aka Selaginella apus): meadow spikemoss
- Uncommon; I only know of it from one site in the Desonier Nature Preserve but undoubtedly more widespread
Class: Equisetopsida: the horsetails and scouring-rushes
Family: Equisetaceae: the horsetails and scouring-rushes
- Genus: Equisetum: the horsetails
- Equisetum arvense: field horsetail or shavegrass
- Abundant, often carpeting moister rural roadsides and forming extensive colonies in other
moist, open areas; may be mistaken for grass until seen up close
- Genus: Hippochaete: the scouring rushes
- Hippochaete hyemale var. affine: scouring-rush
- Frequent, often forming extensive colonies, favoring sandy soils by or near
- Genus: Ophioglossum
- Ophioglossum pycnostichum: adders-tongue
- Frequent in suitable sites, found in moist soils of low slope.
- Genus: Botrychium
- Botrychium matricariifolium: matricary grape fern
- Rare, known only from one site in Strouds Run State Park
- Genus: Sceptridium
- Sceptridium dissectum (aka Botrychium dissectum or B.
obliquum): oblique grape fern
- Frequent, favoring disturbed lands and young woodlands, often found in or near Diphasiastrum digitatum, above
- Genus: Botrypus
- Botrypus virginiana (aka Botrychium virginianum or Japanobotrychium virginianum): rattlesnake fern
- Common, favoring rich soils in woodland borders
- Genus: Osmundastrum
- Osmundastrum cinnamomeum: cinnamon fern
- Rare in the central county, but common along the western fringe of the county, in wet, acid soils, often in boggy situations
- Genus: Osmunda
- Osmunda claytoniana: interrupted fern
- Occasional, in moist hillside pockets, especially over sandstone by streambeds where water
- Osmunda regalis: royal fern
- Rare, in acid bog areas, only found in a few spots where the cinnamon fern also grows, and
only along the westernmost fringe of the county
Order: Hymenophyllales: the filmy ferns
Family: Trichomanaceae: the bristle ferns
- Genus: Trichomanes
- Trichomanes intricatum: weft fern
- Rare, known only from a few rockhouses in central Athens County; this is known only as a gametophyte
Family: Dennstaedtiaceae: the dennstaedtioid ferns
- Genus: Dennstaedtia
- Dennstaedtia punctilobula: hay-scented fern
- Occasional, in woods, fields, or on moist rock, always in moist, acid environments
- Genus: Pteridium
- Pteridium aquilinum
- Uncommon here, can form large colonies in fields; the most common fern in the world, overall
Family: Adiantaceae: the maidenhair ferns
- Genus: Adiantum
- Adiantum pedatum: maidenhair fern
- Frequent, in moist woodlands, sometimes on moist rock
Family: Cheilantheaceae
- Genus: Pellaea
- Pellaea atropurpurea
- Rare, known only in scattered locations in Canaan and Rome townships, only on limestone rock or calcareous pockets.
Order: Blechnales
Family: Woodsiaceae: the cliff ferns
- Genus: Woodsia
- Woodsia obtusa: blunt-lobe cliff fern
- Occasional, on rocks or in rocky scree; I've only seen this two places in the county so far but is undoubtedly more widespread; most common at Fox Lake Wildlife Area
Family: Aspleniaceae: the spleenworts
- Genus: Asplenium
- Asplenium montanum: mountain spleenwort
- Rare, in small cracks of acid sandstone in moist, sheltered pockets with a northern exposure. I don't actually know of any stations within Athens County, but it grows a few hundred feet outside the county along Raccoon Creek, and is plentiful in Jackson County at Lake Katharine
- Asplenium pinnatifidum: lobed spleenwort
- Occasional, in small cracks of hard, well-weathered sandstone. It is fairly common locally on the rocks overlooking the Hocking River in Rome and Carthage Townships in eastern Athens County, and is rare on the sandstone in the central county.
- Asplenium platyneuron: ebony spleenwort
- Common, in a wide variety of soils and situations
- Asplenium rhizophyllum (aka Camptosorus rhizophyllus): walking fern
- Frequent, on heavily-mossed rocks in low areas, sometimes forming extensive colonies on a large rock
- Asplenium trichomanes: maidenhair spleenwort
- Rare, formerly known only from one tiny colony of half a dozen plants on a densely mossy, east-facing rock face at Strouds Run State Park, but this colony has died out; no current colony known
Family: Cystopteridaceae: the fragile and oak ferns
- Genus: Cystopteris
- Cystopteris protrusa: lowland fragile fern
- Frequent, on moist hillsides in soil
- Cystopteris tenuis: upland fragile fern
- Frequent, on sandstone under overhangs by streams
Family: Thelypteridaceae: the thelypterioid ferns or maiden ferns
- Genus: Thelypteris
- Thelypteris noveboracensis: New-York fern
- Occasional, in moist, wooded bottomland and on rich slopes
- Thelypteris palustris: marsh fern
- Known only in the small remnant of Beaumont Swamp along US-33 near the Hocking River
- Genus: Phegopteris
- Phegopteris hexagonoptera: broad beech fern
- Common, in wooded areas
Family: Blechnaceae: the chain ferns
- Genus: Woodwardia
- Woodwardia areolata: netted chain fern
- Occasional in the western acid fringe of the county, mostly in acid seeps
- Genus: Onoclea
- Onoclea sensibilis: sensitive fern
- Abundant, favoring open, moist, sunny areas
- Genus: Matteuccia
- Matteuccia struthiopteris (aka M. pensylvanica): ostrich fern
- Occasionally escaped, on stream banks in loose, often sandy, soil; slightly outside its native
Family: Athyriaceae: the lady ferns and glade ferns
Genus: Athyrium: the lady ferns
Athyrium angustum: northern lady fern
Frequent, in wet areas
Genus: Diplazium
Diplazium pycnocarpon (aka Athyrium pynocarpon): narrow
glade fern
Occasional, in moist glens high on hillsides
Genus: Deparia
Deparia acrostichoides (aka Athyrium thelypterioides):
silvery glade fern
Common, on moist hillsides and stream bottoms, often in extensive colonies
Order: Polypodiales
Family: Dryopteridaceae: the dryopteroid ferns
- Genus: Dryopteris
- There are several Dryopteris hybrids known from the county as well as species.
- Dryopteris carthusiana (aka D. spinulosa): the spinulose wood fern; this is a tetraploid species, with D. intermedia as one of the parents
- Frequent, on stream banks and moist slopes, sometimes on moist rock; look for it on north-facing slopes
- Dryopteris cristata: crested wood fern
- Known only in the small remnant of Beaumont Swamp along US-33 near the Hocking River
- Dryopteris goldiana: Goldie's wood fern
- Frequent, on moist, rich slopes high in valleys
- Dryopteris intermedia: intermediate wood fern or fancy fern
- Frequent, usually on moist rocks by streams; look for it on north-facing rock or in very
sheltered areas; abundant in stream valleys in the western fringe of the county; this is a diploid species, one of the parents of D. carthusiana
- Dryopteris marginalis: marginal or evergreen wood fern
- Frequent, on moist rock or in rocky ground by streams, but only on north-facing rocks or in
very sheltered areas
- Dryopteris xneowherryi
- A hybrid of D. marginalis and D. goldiana, known from one colony in Strouds Run Park
- Dryopteris xtriploidea
- A hybrid of D. carthusiana and D. intermedia; occasional in Strouds Run Park
- Dryopteris carthusiana x Dryopteris marginalis
- A hybrid; known from a single plant in Strouds Run Park
- Genus: Polystichum
- Polystichum acrostichoides: Christmas fern
- Abundant, in a wide variety of soils and habitats
Family: Polypodiaceae: the polypodies
- Genus: Polypodium
- Polypodium appalachianum: Appalachia rock-cap fern
- Rare, on rock shelves over sandstone, most commonly on northern exposures; this is the diploid species, and is one parent of the next species
- Polypodium virginianum: Virginia rock-cap fern
- Common, on rock shelves over sandstone, most commonly on southern exposures; this is the tetraploid species, one of the parents of which is the previous one
- Polypodium xincognitum: hybrid rock-cap fern
- Frequent, on rock shelves over sandstone, the triploid hybrid of the two above species; forms extensive colonies
- Polypodium: unknown form
- A different form of probably Polypodium virginianum with irregular, attenuated fronds,
known from two locations on Long Run (close to each other).
- Genus: Pleopeltis
- Pleopeltis polypodioides: resurrection fern
- Rare, known only from one colony on south-facing sandstone in eastern Rome Township, on private land; this is possibly the second-northern-most population known
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